Friday, March 22, 2013

Time Sorting Game

Check out our time sorting game!!! This is a great way to get your kids to practice telling time in a center! Students have to match the time on a clock with the time written out in words and the time written out in numbers! Then to check in on them they have to record their answers on the time sorting recording sheet! This is a great way to assess their learning and who needs more practice! Get our time sorting game here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Money Money Money

Check out our newest TPT creation!!!!! This pack consists of poster for each coin (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) and it also includes a really fun game. The students choose a card and then with play money they have to find a way to create the amount shown on the card. To make it a challenge they have to find another way to show the same amount but they have to use different coins!!!! This is a really great way to have kids realize that there are more then one way to make the same amount!!! Get this fun pack here.

Here is a sneak peak to one of the coin posters!!!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

National Symbols Unit

Our National Symbols unit is a fun way to teach students about our nations symbols! There are so many fun activities in this unit! There is everything from writing prompts to art activities! You can use these as centers to help reinforce what you are teaching about or as whole group activities! Either way your students will have a blast learning about the national symbols of the USA!!! I know my students absolutely loved it!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Civil War

This unit is a really great tool to use when teaching about the Civil War . I created this unit during student teaching. My students absolutely loved all the activities. I would teach my students the lesson and then they could have a free choice on which activity they wanted to complete. I know learning about things that happened in the past can sometimes be a drag but this is sure to spice it up and keep your students intrigued! This unit also includes a test!!

Telling Time Templates

Teaching telling time is always a tricky one for me. I created these templates for me to use as handouts that I could write in different times every time! I was sick of purchasing bundles or finding handouts that I could only use once or twice because the times were permanently written in already. This way you can make new handouts each time before you send them through the copier! There is a second, minute or hour hand out, time to the hour, time to the half hour, and quarter hour! Telling Time Templates

Weekly Reading Log

I love, love, love giving my student independent reading time while I am working with a student during a one on one conference or in small reading groups, but I needed a way to keep track of what they were reading. During my student teaching, my mentor used a log created by Sharron Taberski from On Solid Ground, but I ended up just creating one of my own. I love it because it consistently helps them recognize title, author, genre, pages they read and holds them accountable for staying busy during their reading time. Check it out for free on our TPT store! 

Weekly Reading Log

Build your own dictionary!

I was looking for  a way to allow my students to keep track of their weekly vocabulary words. I had originally had them writing them in the notebooks, then I started using notecards, but I felt like the notebook was unorganized and the notecards were easily misplaced. I wanted to find a way for them to keep track of their vocabulary words in an organized fashion that they could go back and look up the words to use in their writing or reading. I created these build your own dictionary pages and for now I have them using them in a file folder that I have placed in a crate with extra pages. I would love to eventually have all my students have one binder with all of their resources and such all together, but for now it is working wonderfully and seems to be much more organized for the students. It is also making it easy for me to check their work. Take a look at the Build Your Own Dictionary set we have on our TPT store and let us know what you think!